Sunday, July 17, 2016

AC/DC Concert at Tiaki

I've only been in Tiaki for a couple days and already I'm impressed by their events. They held an AC/DC concert last night and I was free enough to attend part of it.

The concert was given by the Thunder Rock Concerts Tribute Band, and the venue was fantastic, with laser lights flashing, steampunk-inspired stage decorations, and large neon-lit AC/DC signs all around.

I of course had no sound on, but I was interested in dropping in for at least awhile because one of the things we laughed about during one of our voice chats was me saying "AC/DC" to refer to Linda's ADD propensities, and she started pretending to play the rock band.

The crowd was into it as well, as more than 50 (!) people crowded onto the Tiaki beach! Unfortunately, the lag was so bad I had to derezz a couple times, and it affected my next door neighbor Mirra (miraanne3) as well, who only came down to watch after the crowd had thinned to less than 50 *smh*

Thanks to Abby, Aggie and the Tiaki management for such an awesome event!!!!

More pics from the concert below...


  1. THIS is one of the many things that make SL so fun and special. If it's not fun why do it, right? Tiaki is as friendly and fun as you can get.

  2. It certainly wasn't something that I've seen before yes x
