Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Joint events between BDSM Sims in Second Life

Crux Maximus and Buster Norse led a great discussion on D/s Ethics
I should take note of a discussion that was held on November 21 at Cafe LaPe'rouse @ Austin. The subject was on "D/s Ethics: Doms & Extortion", and it was hosted by Crux Maximus and Buster Norse, who was represented as an Omega Facilitator.

I had initially been intrigued by the use of the word "extortion" in the context of a D/s relationship, but I realized quickly that this event was also special in that it was a coordinated venture between two independent groups in SL: Cafe O and Omega Library.

It is of course fairly common to see the same people attending different discussions and events in multiple sims, but the holding of joint events seems to be far less common, and something which in my opinion should be held more often.

There are several advantages to this.

First, it avoids creating repetitious discussions or events.

Second, it creates synergy between the participating organizations, where the abilities of various people are put to good use cooperating in setting up the event, rather than competing against one another.

Third, it exposes members of the different groups to other sims that they may not have visited or known about before.

Fourth, such events generally will have a much larger audience, due to the notices sent to all the groups involved, with all the attendant advantages of having a larger number of participants.

Fifth, such event coordination fosters overall cooperation and communication between the various BDSM related sims.

All these advantages were in full display during the discussion at Cafe O, so much so that I wondered whether greater cooperation between sims, or even a loose overarching organization that coordinates between the sims, would be the way to go in future.

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