Monday, June 25, 2018

Elicia's sub-O Graduation Dance

All pics courtesy of Sage Avedon

I'm not much in SL anymore, but I took the time to attend Elicia's (Lorelaei Resident) sub-O graduation dance on June 15.

For long time readers of the blog, you'll probably know that I have known this girl since summer of last year, and I'll wager that you won't find another sub who is any sexier and smarter than her (in both Sl and RL) - and I'm not saying that just because she was my unoffical wardette at the time.

Elicia's accent is extremely appealing, although I sometimes have to ask her to repeat something she said, since she at times uses strange words in her lexicon (but, this definitely adds to the cuteness factor!). In most discussions she attends, she does not hesitate to contribute her ideas and questions, and from the talks we've had I know for a fact that cute head of hers contains a razor sharp brain. She can be mischievous at times (*remembers the gimp episode* ahem), but she is never malicious and speaks her mind when needed.

She's gone through a lot in that one year (including having her first baby in RL!), but in the end she lowered her head and did what she had to do in order to make her stay in Austin a resounding success.

I am so very proud of her, and I'm sure she'll keep making the Austin community proud of her as well.

At the dance, she gave a short speech, and with her permission I post it below. Her friend Angelo also sang a song that he composed for her in voice, and more pics of the event are at the end of this post, courtesy of the always-sexy Sage Avedon.

First I wish to thank you all for joining in to celebrate my graduation to Sub-O. I been GIS since July last year so I have taken my time to come to this point. My mentors were Marion and Syndra and I want to emphasize their commitment to helping me progress through my studies as a person and as a submissive of Austin. I had times where I considered giving up- not all days been easy. When I first looked at the assignments I felt I was to climb Everest and my shyness really kept me from asking people for help. I suppose my real life circumstances of moving to a new country and the real life Austin certainly posed challenges. I was pregnant and now had a sweet baby girl in January. In truth a big obstacle was myself suffering from depression and having very hard to like myself and believe in that I can accomplish things. I had a number of people that supported my new life in rl here in Austin and I am very grateful for the reach out of your sincere friendship and warmth making me part of our family.

As a submissive I let myself mature through a lot of mental processing of what DS is and what it is not. I boosted my duty and right to say no to activities I don't feel comfortable in doing and illuminate my limits and wishes. I am very certain my concept of how to play safely have improved on a deep level. Submissives are indeed to please others- but not available for abuse. The Masters of Austin have shown deep commitment in learning and evolving themselves and for this I admire this very community, not only focusing on the submissives to grow. We never are finished but progressively changing for the better. Maturing in our roles understanding the needs and differences of others. Respecting our diversity and embracing it letting everyone have fun in their own way as long as we keep within SSC and our sim rules.

I stand here before you as Sub O today because I am spite my rl attachment to this world of DS since I was 18 years old- yet is quite inexperienced in scening. I am not quite rooted in my submission spite 3 years in gor as a slave. Austin is much more real than other places and the feeling is different. Austin allow me to be who I am but I have yet confidence and security to build within myself. Austin evolve me in social contexts and I know I got some miles to walk in how to behave and express myself and yet keep others feel comfortable. I know I am not the mosy smooth or submissive girl if we are to compare such trait- but I am happy you all show patience in me. I trust that starting my practical phase in Austin DS will be a little more free to shape not taking the path of O girl at this point.

I love the O girls and one day I do believe I really want to stand by their side and take on the challenge of serving in the Chateau. For now Sub O will allow me to develop a little slower and discover my submission in a gentle way. Being an O girl would naturally be the title of unicorn and fairies that most girls desire in their heart - but in the core titles don't make who we are or determine our happiness. It's how we feel needed and contributing to a common goal that makes us glow. I hope to be able to make my new Sub O tag shine too and be a proud part of our community and here for the members.

Thank you all- but especially my dear Syndra & Marion- for all the support and love you given me through my path. I admire the time everyone give in teaching others and allow us all to grow and discover our roles. Thank you Master Ratzu for your long time devotion to keep Austin a loving DS community. Last but not least- thank you Aqua for spinning the tunes of this party and our dear Master Angelo, that is much special to me, for playing his own composed music for us!

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